BASIC BEEKEEPING & PLANTING FOR POLLINATORSCome learn how to raise honey bees in your backyard! Bees are beneficial for pollination of our home gardens and fruit trees... they also make delicious honey! If beekeeping isn't your thing, we will also be going over various plants to attract and help our fuzzy insect friends.
Class held at the Mankato Makers Space on March 29th at 6PM. |
MADELIA AG EXPOCome check out some of Madelia's finest! Finest food producers that is! Moody Bees will be presenting and tabling. Free to the public, April 4th starting at 5PM.
SUPPORTING POLLINATORS AT HOMECome learn about pollinators of all types from our native bees and butterflies to the loved honey producers, the honey bees. We will go over how to create a pollinator habitat (large or small) in our yards, farms and public spaces. The lesson will focus on learning how to plant, provide water and nesting grounds.
Class April 5th at Drummers Garden Center starting at 5:30PM. |
RIVER VALLEY RESKILLING FESTIVALHere I will be teaching two classes. First is Basic Beekeeping/Planting for Pollinators. The focus will be on backyard beekeeping and various pollinator plants. The second is Wild Medical Plants. With a focus on 6 medicinal plant found in our local ecosystem. Points given to those who can guess the plant in the picture! April 21st starting at 9AM.
PLANTING FOR POLLINATORSCome learn how to create a beautiful wildlife garden with pollinators as your main attraction! We will go over the key points on how to create a garden that pollinators of all kinds will not be able to resist. From types of plants, to water, to nesting habitat. Along with learning a few of our favorite native and non-native pollinators.
Event will be held at Shellee's Green House May 9th at 6PM. |
EAT YOUR WEEDS!They say weeds are in the eye of the beholder.
Learn how to identify and harvest various different edible "weeds" from your yard and garden landscapes. We will go over proper identification, safety, ethical harvesting, and prepping of 6 well known garden weeds. The class will come with recipes. Event will be held at Shellee's Green House June 6th at 6PM. |